Interim professionals

How Wout found 14+ Microsoft experts and made a lasting impact at HSO

How Wout found 14+ Microsoft experts and made a lasting impact at HSO

The challenge

‍HSO, specialist in Microsoft solutions, faced a challenge: how do you attract Microsoft experts in a market where candidates are scarcer than ever? Recruitment Manager Léonie Havekes sought not only speed, but above all precision. She knew that finding the right professional would make all the difference.

The star: Wout Dijkstra

A dyke of a sourcer with exceptional results

People& introduced Wout Dijkstra, an experienced sourcer known for his ability to find and convince hidden candidates. With a sharp focus and personal approach, Wout managed to turn HSO's complex challenge into concrete results.

‍HowWout did it:

  1. Targeted sourcing in a tight market
    Wout knew exactly where to look. Thanks to his sourcing knowledge, he brought dozens of candidates into process within a few weeks.
  2. A personal approach that built trust
    Candidates didn't feel like "contact moments," they felt like real professionals. Wout built relationships, not only attracting them, but immediately creating a strong bond between candidates and HSO.
  3. Moving fast and concrete results
    Within three months, Wout placed 14 Microsoft experts who were immediately deployable, a feat that combined speed and quality.

The Guide: People&

Enabling the right match

At People&, we listen to the needs of organizations and translate them into customized solutions. For HSO, this meant taking stock of the organization, the team and the expertise required. We then made the right match by introducing Wout, who matched exactly what HSO needed.

Our role does not end with the introduction. We support both our clients and professionals like Wout so they can get the best out of themselves and make lasting impact.

The result

Impact in numbers and culture

Thanks to the collaboration with People& and Wout's efforts, HSO was able to hire 14 Microsoft experts within three months. These professionals were not only quickly deployable, but also brought new energy to the recruitment process.

Results in figures:

  • 14 new experts in just one quarter.
  • Dozens of candidates in process, carefully screened by Wout.
  • Immediately deployable specialists, which eased the team's workload.

Cultural impact:

‍Léonierefers to Wout's arrival as a "breath of fresh air" that brought new confidence to the recruitment process and left a lasting impression on her team.

Léonie about Wout

"Wout is a dyke of a sourcer. What a relief to have someone like that on my team. He not only found the people we needed, but also brought new confidence and energy to our process. This really deserves to be said."
- Léonie Havekes, Recruitment Manager HSO Netherlands

Meet your Wout

At People&, we believe that finding the right professional makes all the difference. Our strength lies in connecting candidates like Wout with organizations that want to move forward. Wondering what we can do for your organization? Contact us and discover how we write a success story together.

In this article

Wout Dijkstra

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